Lyme is a Difficult Disease to Diagnose as it Presents Itself in Many Different Ways.
Treatment will depend on how long you have had Lyme disease and the co-infections involved. It is a very stealthy disease. Your general state of health is very important in your ability to overcome this disease; therefore, we will also focus on improving your general state of health.
Lyme and Co-Infections that Weaken your Immune System Include:
- Babesia
- Bartonella
- Erhlichia
- Borrelia
- Rocky mountain fever
- Bio-film
- Spirochetes
Some Common Symptoms Include:
- Fatigue
- Malaise
- Digestive issues
- Pain
- Fever
- Rash (not all people present a typical bulls eye rash)
- Hyper sensitivity to mold and allergens
If you are suffering or believe you are suffering from the effects of Lyme disease, contact Dr. Morgan’s office right away to schedule an appointment where he will perform a full assessment and work with you to develop a treatment plan to get your life back on track. At TrueHealth NC, treatment is individualized to you and your needs!

If you have been experiencing symptoms of Lyme, are diagnosed with Lyme, or have been bitten by a tick, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment or give us a call today!